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Hair Restoration


OHC offers PRP hair treatment for all types of hair loss, thin hair and promoting hair growth after hair transplant. All treatment are performed by our experienced cosmetic doctor and nurse practitioner. The revolutionary PRP hair is the effective 100% natural hair growth treatment that using Platelet rich plasma (PRP) from patient own blood which contain essential growth factors to promote hair growth to inject into scalp. The result is proven from many research studies.

PRP contains special cells called Platelets and plasma, that can promote growth of the hair follicles by stimulating the cells in the micro-environment of the hair follicle and increase vascularity to hair root. The PRP stimulates inactive or newly implanted hair follicles into an active growth phase. The treatment works best for treating thinning hair, slowing or stopping the progression of hair loss and promoting hair growth after hair transplant.

WHO IS SUITABLE FOR THE PRP HAIR?All types of hair loss and thin hair for both men and women

Pre and Post hair transplant

During your free medical consultation, the specialist will examine and determine that you are a suitable candidates for the treatment. The specialist will then explain the details of the treatment.

Q. What is PRP?

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is the high concentration of platelet cells in plasma that separated from patient own blood. Platelets are small cells which circulate in the blood and contains important growth factors such as FGF, PDGF, TGF-ß, EGF, VEGF, IGF that encourage regrowth of blood vessels, cells and tissue. Plasma contains many factors essential for cell survival including nutrients, vitamins, hormones, electrolytes, growth factors, and proteins.

Q. How the Vampire hair (PRP) helps in hair transplant?

PRP stimulates and supports hair growth in three main steps:

1)Promoting vascularity to the hair root thereby increasing viability to the follicle before, during and after hair transplantation

2)Promoting tissue repair and regeneration post transplantation

3)Stimulating dormant hair follicles and growing new hair

Q. What does the procedure involve?

The procedure involves taking blood from patient’s arm that will be put directly into the specifically prepared PRP tube. The tube will then be processed in the PRP machine. The PRP is then prepared and activated.

After disinfect treating areas, the doctor will then inject PRP into the effected scalp areas with a very small needle.

Q. Is it painful?

As the needle use at our clinic is the smallest size needle, most patient report very minimal discomfort at the scale of 2 out of 10.

Q. What is the down time like?

Downtime is very minimal. Only mild swelling and tender can be observed for 1-2 days at the treated scalp areas.

Q. What is the after care?

It is recommended not to touch or wash or apply anything on the areas for 12 hours to prevent infection.

Q. How many session of treatment I need?

Please note that 3 to 6 sessions (depending on cases) per year are recommended for obtaining optimal visible results. The gap between each treatment is about 4-6 weeks is recommended. (Ask about our PRP Plus treatment)

Q. When I will see the result?

Hair regrowth started 2 months after PRP treatment and continued up to 10 months. Results showed that a significant increase in the rate of hair growth was observed between the 3rd and 6th months. Hair density followed a rising trend with a remarkable peak at 3 months.

Q. Any complications can occur?

As it is a very natural treatment using your own blood, complications are very minimal. Swelling, bruising are very minimal and infection is very rare.

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